
Do you have a question?

Our details

ZOO Planckendael

Leuvensesteenweg 582
2812 Mechelen

View on Google Maps

Registered office

KMDA vzw
Koningin Astridplein 20-26
2018 Antwerpen
BTW BE 0407 186 105

Phone numbers

Commercial department
Customer service (individuals) • 03-224 89 10
Memberships • 03-202 45 63
Schools and groups • 03-224 89 35
Sales team

You can reach our customer service by phone from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm.

Contact us

Please first read our frequently asked questions, you may find the answer there.

Frequently asked questions

Do you still have a question? We will be pleased to help you.